In X-Labs, we work to uncover new research technologies that can deliver a deeper, more accurate understanding of your customer.

New technology is changing the way we do customer research. Old-fashioned focus groups can’t deliver the kind of in-depth customer insight available by using more innovative and accurate methodologies.

Brand X continuously updates our toolbox to provide cutting edge research capabilities to our clients. We are committed to developing and applying the absolute latest technologies in research, analytics, concept validation and the study of consumer behavior.

That’s why we created X-Labs℠ where we are partnering with top players in the tech community to develop new customer research technologies. We’ve done exciting work with private equity firms, incubators, start-ups and innovators like the MIT Media Lab.

X-Labs℠ delivers the testing abilities our clients need to reduce risk, validate concepts and determine the most promising products and projects.


Our clients come to us and say, “Here’s what I want to know about my customers. How can I acquire that insight?”

We sit down with the client to determine what needs to be measured and which technology can best create those data points. At X-Labs℠, we work with our tech industry partners to use or create methodologies to collect, analyze and uncover the customer insights companies need to inform key business decisions.

We can take your product concept, beta version, or prototype and test it with actual target consumers to determine its viability in the local, regional, national, or international marketplace.

X-Labs℠ provides a wide variety of validation tools ranging from video ethnographies to online user tests. These tests allow for geographically larger and more diverse test groups and enable analysts to remotely monitor user behavior in real-time.